
122 Conversations: Timeline


122 Conversations grew as an idea after several successful artist engagement performances by artist Anne Labovitz.  

  • Northern Spark
  • Rain Taxi
  • The Model

Partnerships determined:

  • Tweed Museum of Art
  • Department of Fine Arts, University of MN, Duluth
  • Duluth Sister Cities, International


  • Research on sister cities
  • Identified DSCI individual in each city to gather 10 diverse citizens from each city to be interviewed, including mayors
  • Development of interview questions
  • Investigated methods to interview, identify translators if needed and recording options
  • Established tentative schedule of interviews
  • Created Gratitude painting certificates unique to each city for gifts for each participat.
  • Solidified project description
  • Developed presence on web and social media:
    • 122 Conversations website
    • Facebook
    • Instagram
    • #122Conversations
    • Newsletter
    • Business cards
  • Identified sponsors:
    • Otis Magie Insurance
    • Holiday Inn
    • Duluth News Tribune
    • Security Jewelers
    • Visit Duluth


  • Interviews
    • January – Rania, Iraqi Kurdistan: Skype interviews
    • February – Växjö, Sweden: Skype interviews
    • April – Petrozavodsk, Russia: Skype interviews
    • May 21 & 22 – Thunder Bay, Canada: Anne traveled to conduct in person interviews in Thunder Bay
    • May/June – Duluth, Minnesota: combination of Skype interviews ad in person interviews at teh MMAD lab at the University of Minnesota, Duluth
    • July – Ohara Isumi-City, Japan: in person interviews at Congdon mansion in Duluth over 4th of July during Duluth’s Fourth Fest when Japanese Sister Cities delegates visited
  • Artwork creation for Thunder Bay exhibition
    • Large scale, layered pieces on paper, quartered for easy transportation
    • Development of Choices
    • Development of All Sign Here
  • Thunder Bay Opening and Exhibition
    • September 10 – October 19, 2015
    • Well attended opening
    • Workshops:
    • First Nations Youth in 5 day drug and alcohol rehab
    • Older learners
    • School groups
    • 350 Choices tiles created


  • Video development
    • Mayor video
    • Short overview of 122 Conversations
    • 20 minute introductionary video
    • Unedited interviews
    • All archived on 122conversations.com
  • Artwork creation
    • Project restructured to meet shipping and custom concerns
    • All artwork site specific and created on Tyvek®
  • Identified Sister Cities delegate to carry exhibition into Rania


  • Rania, Iraqi Kurdistan opening and exhibition, January 16 – March 31, 2017 at the University of Raparin
    • All artwork site specific and created on Tyvek®
    • Entire exhibition packaged in one suitcase and hand carried to Växjö by Sister Cities delegate
    • ???? Choices tiles created
  • Växjö, Sweden opening and exhibition, March 4 – April 3, 2017 at Växjö Konsthall
    • All artwork site specific and created on Tyvek®
    • Entire exhibition packaged in one suitcase and hand carried to Växjö by Anne Labovitz
    • 600 Choices tiles created
    • Workshops: students, adults, newly arrived immigrants. Additionally, 7 days of public workshops and student groups with Department of Fine Arts Professor, Alison Aune
  • Petrozavodsk, Russia opening and exhibition, May May 25 – June 17, 2017 at Petrozavodsk City Exhibition Hall